Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Return

(Return To Huron (from The Great Escape), 2009)

This place is different. A once overrun of wild plants now cut short, cleaned and organized. The chaos is now manageable and how much is realized about the difference time can make. What time can do to you, change your eyes with carbon copies of the old ones but with a different perceptive. How this landscape targets a part of me that notices time has passed, like my eyes; a prescription seven years old and in need of a check up. I can see just fine. Yeah, just fine. I probably didn't noticed my eyes becoming worse because you don't notice gradual change that takes years to show itself, and by the time its there you are used to it. It's when you have an example of how it has changed, like a memory, or in this case, a photograph, compared to how it is now, with the time in-between.

(Huron, The Great Escape, 2008)

I'm going back to Maui, HI in a few days, and I'm going to hunt down each and every car from The Abandoned Island series and photograph it how it looks now.

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